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My involvement with Sarah's project was interesting in that I was largely acting as talent for their newscast. I think I contributed well to their piece as I reminded myself of what I needed to do to interview well. I did my best to speak slowly, restate the question in my answer, and give a thoughtful answer to the questions they asked. Kelsey interviewed me and was asked about how being in hospitality business affected my life. Outside of that, I assisted Sarah and her crew with setting up a good shot and helped them work with the lights. Additionally, I showed them around the Inn so they could get good B roll and helped them out at other points with the structure of their news piece. I ultimately had to do the interview twice as the SD card containing the initial footage was lost. I did, however, feel that the second take was better as I was a bit more familiar with the questions.
I, however, didn't really have a news story of my own as I was mostly concerned with getting in contact with the various political figures in this state so I can interview them for BBA News' coverage of the coming election. This, for the most part, simply involved me shooting emails to the various personalities I needed, both incumbents and challengers. One thing I had to remind myself of was the style of address for the different positions. Between the Senators and the State Representatives, everyone had a different title which I had to make sure I addressed the by. So far, I set up interviews with Brad Peacock, Brian Keefe, and Cynthia Browning. I have not been sent the edited news story yet.